How to bring a real revolution in the people of the world
ππ»how to bring a real revolution in the people of the world ππ»If you look at the personalities of all the revolutionaries in the world, you will realize what kind of revolution they wanted to bring about a different and unique revolutionary bhagini Nivedita ππ»It is found in Bhagini Nivedita that it is easy to do a deed not only as an empty task but also as a duty. The aim of the sect is to make it good and accurate But he was working on many different objectives like development, service, awareness but his qualities can be called his personality throughout his life as his goal could be because the exchange of qualities happens when to bring awareness in a person or to cultivate qualities. It can be said that his aim was to nurture the instincts and develop the personality. π Bhagini Niveditaji said this sentence to the people of India πIf there is no unity in India, then no external force can awaken a sense of unity in it. Undoubtedly, the unity of India is its own,...